Notes de publication pour Zabbix 5.2.4

L’équipe Zabbix a le plaisir d’annoncer la sortie de Zabbix 5.2.4.

Zabbix est une solution open source de supervision distribuée destinée aux entreprises. Zabbix est distribué sous licence publique générale (GPL). Il est donc gratuit pour les usages commerciaux et non commerciaux. Les conditions complètes de cette licence sont disponibles sur

Ce document contient les notes de publication pour Zabbix 5.2.4. Téléchargez-le depuis download.

Les sections ci-dessous décrivent la version en détail et donnent des informations de dernière minute ou d’autres renseignements qui complètent la documentation principale.

New Features and Improvements

ZBXCTR-13 Added custom query support for PostgreSQL plugin and template, fixed unix-socket support Agent Templates
ZBXNEXT-5862 Added Rocket.Chat media Templates
ZBXNEXT-6389 Added template for NetApp FAS3220 Templates
ZBXNEXT-6419 Added tablespace metrics to Oracle Templates Agent Templates
ZBXNEXT-6331 Updated plugins: ceph, docker, memcached, mysql, oracle, redis — unified functionality (parameters describing and parsing, URI parsing, using sessions, errors handling) Agent
ZBXNEXT-6210 Added native support for proc.mem key in Zabbix agent 2 Agent
ZBXNEXT-6367 Added metrics to the official MySQL template Templates
ZBXNEXT-6330 Added Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 template Templates
ZBXNEXT-6219 Added "HashiCorp Vault" template Templates
ZBXNEXT-6231 Added Apache ActiveMQ template Templates
ZBXNEXT-6358 Removed detailed information from Reports -> Notifications page Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6364 Removed long lists of cloned objects from host and template full clone forms Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6291 Implemented breadcrumbs on host dashboards page Frontend
ZBXNEXT-6257 Implemented Check for not supported value preprocessing step test API Frontend Proxy Server

Corrections de bugs

ZBX-18942 Fixed missing SID valiadion in authentication update route Frontend
ZBX-18893 Changed frontend config file permissions to 0600 Frontend
ZBX-18860 Fixed crash of log item during "Check for not supported value" preprocessing step Proxy Server
ZBX-18884 Fixed crash in web monitoring and* keys when encoding non ASCII characters in URL Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-18865 Fixed dbConditionInt ( returning wrong result in rare cases API Frontend
ZBX-18853 Removed hardcoded teams_endpoint check Templates
ZBX-16216 Fixed semaphore not being cleaned up when stopping Zabbix agent Agent
ZBX-18815 Fixed displaying incomplete list of inherited trigger tags under rare circumstances Frontend
ZBX-18556 Fixed gaps in time labels of classic graphs related to DST transitions Frontend
ZBX-18468 Changed preprocessing for item "PHP-FPM: Ping" in PHP-FPM templates Templates
ZBX-17369 Fixed retrieval of decimal values from WMI Agent
ZBX-18410 Fixed retrieval of Nth most recent values in trigger function strlen Server
ZBX-18722 Fixed runtime error when creating user group without users API
ZBX-18644 Replaced deprecated gethostbyname function with getaddrinfo Agent Proxy Server
ZBX-18387 Made directory error handling for the UserParameter command in C agent the same as in GO agent Agent
ZBX-18802 Fixed close problem task to be deleted when problem event is deleted Server
ZBX-17716 Fixed 'UserParameter' parsing and possible buffer overrun Agent
ZBX-17865 Fixed displaying of long problem names on problems and event pages Frontend
ZBX-18796 Improved update performance of the preprocessing rules in item.update(), itemprototype.update() and discoveryrule.update() methods API
ZBX-17169 Added locale forced to English in userparameter [*] in agent configuration Templates
ZBX-18623 Fixed the global search showing number of objects that user has no permissions Frontend
ZBX-18637 Fixed item update form when changing type from calculate or DB monitoring to script item type Frontend
ZBX-18612 Added error message for when real-time data export file become inaccessible Server
ZBX-18784 Fixed memory leak when handling vmware events Proxy Server
ZBX-18625 Fixed host level tags were not inherited in Trigger -> Tags configuration form Frontend

Notes concernant l’installation et la mise à jour


Consultez le Manuel Zabbix pour plus d’informations.

Mise à jour

Consultez le Procédure de mise à jour for upgrade options and instructions. For version specific upgrade notes, see Upgrade notes for 5.2.4.

Assistance commerciale

Zabbix propose une large gamme de Services professionnels. Nous proposons également une Services de mise à jour migration facile et sans accroc vers des versions antérieures de Zabbix. Merci de Contactez le service commercial pour connaître les tarifs et pour en savoir plus sur ces services.


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